Ari you missed the point. Putting Trump in for 4 years followed by Ron gives us 12 with conservative policies. Ron only might be 8. 12 is better than 8. Also Trump didn't "put anyone in" he was advised by RINOs to put in people who openly lied to his face while sticking a knife in his back. Many didn't follow the policies Trump wanted like repealing and replacing Obamacare which Ryan left in place. These are the same people backing DeSantis.

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Look into the death of Ron's younger, beautiful Italian sister Christina DeSantis, at age 30. Ron is the lead suspect. Ron is a secret society man. A Yale and Harvard man. If you haven't heard about Christina's suspicious death, please broaden your new sources and cut out TV news.

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May 26, 2023
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All of the bill numbers are there. I am not sure what else you want.

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The question you fail to ask is "compared to who?", or "compared to what?" DeSantis may have things to criticize - there is no savior in politics - but who is better? What state is being run better? Who would make a better president? Who has fewer weaknesses? The best test is to look at how people vote with their feet. People criticize America, and much of that is warranted, but more people immigrate here than any other country. You criticize DeSantis, and maybe much of that is warranted, but more people are moving to Florida than any other state. DeSantis won by half a percent the first time and by 20% the second time. The people like him. If he did that at the state level, in a state that has been traditionally about evenly divided between Blue and Red, then maybe he could do the same thing in a country that is also evenly divided between Blue and Red. What if he was elected president 50.5% to 49.5% in 2024 and then won a second term 60% to 40% in 2028? Wouldn't that show that he was doing a pretty good job? Wouldn't that show that the people like him? Florida has low crime, low unemployment, high medical freedom protection, a budget surplus, and relatively low taxes. DeSantis doesn't read from a script much. He's well-informed, and he defends himself well to the corporatist media. He's gotten a lot of things done, many of which are heavily criticized by the Powers That Be. He has experience in Washington DC as a three-term congressman, and also as a state chief executive. By the way, we've had many other presidents who were governors when they ran: Rutherford B. Hayes, Grover Cleveland, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush. Being a lawyer, he understands legal issues and rules, which is very important in running government. He has a cumulative 99.31 CPAC scorecard rating out of 100 (which is excellent) and a 70 Freedom Index rating out of 100 (The New American magazine), which is not as true to the constitution as I would like, but not that bad either. Who do you like better? RFK, Jr., who thinks government should try to solve every problem with more tax and spend solutions like every other Democrat? Trump, who signed the USMCA, another corporatist trade deal that's worse than NAFTA (per The New American) and paves the way towards a North American Union with two countries that have few constitutional rights: Mexico and Canada? Who hired Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary who is pro-Common Core and pro-big tech data mining of students? Who hired Stephen Mnuchin as Treasury Secretary, a Skull and Bones secret society member, and Robert Lighthizer as US Trade Representative, a globalist Council on Foreign Relations member? Who presided over the worst damage to any country in the world from the Covid disease, the Covid vaccine, the lockdowns, business closures, and inflation-generating money-printing? And after that claims he did a great job on Covid? Who lied to the CPAC audience when he said China payed billions in tariffs into the US Treasury, when everybody knows that tariffs are paid by American consumers in the form of higher prices on the things they buy? How dumb does he think we are? No thank you.

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Karen, you sound just like a Karen


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Thanks Karen. I will share on my Substack tomorrow.

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