How many are buying into the idea that Ron DeSantis was a governor for the people? DeSantis made Florida FREE! BS.
Look closer at his actions...
While DeSantis was going after WOKE the Florida RINO legislature was busy giving Florida to DeSantis' donor developers ability to override local authority, give more money for phony conservation programs while the FLDOE is using the same communist globalist publishers who promote SEL, ESG and CRT. Testing is tied to COMMON CORE (the Obama curricula) designed to keep students 2 years behind.
Florida Private Property Rights are on the chopping block as the new law HR627,SB102 Housing Bill starts out : Housing: Removes authority of local governments to adopt or maintain laws, ordinances, rules, or other measures that would have effect of imposing controls on rents; specifies requirements & restrictions on counties in approving housing developments; authorizes local governments to adopt ordinances to provide ad valorem tax exemption for portions of property used to provide affordable housing; revises total amount of community contribution tax credits which may be granted for projects; provides sales tax exemption for building materials used in construction of affordable housing units; authorizes department to make information available to corporation to administer Live Local Program; prohibits deduction of General Revenue Fund service charge on documentary stamp tax proceeds; provides appropriations.
Make sure your county comprehensive plan addresses protection of private property and height requirements.
HB 1379 Land Acquisition Funding: Extends retirement date of bonds issues to fund Florida Forever Act; revises distribution of proceeds from Florida Forever Trust Fund for land acquisition & capital project expenditures under Florida Forever Act; requires specified annual appropriation to Florida Forever Trust Fund; prohibits use of moneys from Land Acquisition Trust Fund for specified costs. Florida Forever owns 30% of Florida land locked up for conservation. How much more do they need? Although it did not pass in the last minute, but it morphed into HB1632
HB 1632 Environmental Protection: Requiring the Department of Environmental Protection and water management districts to conduct a holistic review of certain permitting processes and programs; revising the required components of a local government comprehensive plan capital improvements element and general sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water, and natural groundwater aquifer recharge element; requiring the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to submit an updated priority list for the acquisition of certain agricultural lands to the Acquisition and Restoration Council by a specified date; revising requirements for onsite sewage treatment and disposal system remediation plans for springs; prohibiting the installation of new onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems within specified areas under certain circumstances; increasing the estimated value threshold for the appraisal of specified conservation easement acquisitions, etc. Will Land be taken under Eminent Domain or mandatory Conservation?
FLDOE: DeSantis said no to CRT, ESG, SEL,DIE in Florida schools.
The Florida Citizens Alliance reviewed texts. They found the texts were filled with errors. Publishers were requested to submit changes. BUT... The Publishers and their globalist authors support these issues. Just look at the corporate page where they all state how they support DIE. They have departments of Diversity, Inclusion and Equity. The Canadian and other international authors discuss America as a Democracy. Where are the American Florida authors? In order to get a scholarship Home schoolers must take a test at the end of the year. 17 tests are Common Core Compliant, 3 are not. The 1776 Project curricula was turned down. Florida student scored 241 out of 500 on standardized tests and everyone said wonderful, 241 is less than 50% which deserves a F grade. 47% of Florida students graduate and can't read, write or do simple math forget American History or Civics.
SB7050 the supposed Election Integrity Bill. Resign to Run was part of this bill . The Governor is allowed to appoint someone to a seat vacated by someone choosing to run for another office. More power for the Governor.
Part of this bill DeSantis does NOT have to resign to run for President. DeSantis just diminished the role of Governor making it a part time job will full time pay. Do the Floridians now have to pay for his campaign as well? Did he think he will lose so he wants to make sure he gets his old job back? Florida hired a full time not part time Governor. Will he quit the presidency if a better job comes along?
DeSantis wants to run the country like Florida so good bye private property rights, full time elected governors and excellence in education. Don't be fooled by words, it is action that counts. Check out Ron and his donors in the next article.
Ari you missed the point. Putting Trump in for 4 years followed by Ron gives us 12 with conservative policies. Ron only might be 8. 12 is better than 8. Also Trump didn't "put anyone in" he was advised by RINOs to put in people who openly lied to his face while sticking a knife in his back. Many didn't follow the policies Trump wanted like repealing and replacing Obamacare which Ryan left in place. These are the same people backing DeSantis.
Look into the death of Ron's younger, beautiful Italian sister Christina DeSantis, at age 30. Ron is the lead suspect. Ron is a secret society man. A Yale and Harvard man. If you haven't heard about Christina's suspicious death, please broaden your new sources and cut out TV news.