Urgent! Please read this note from Mat Staver! I have been reporting on this for quite some time. Biden just gave control of the internet to the UN. Healthcare is next. This is the set up for the One World Government controlled by the United Nations. No Borders, no Elections, No Money, No Private Property, No Healthcare.
A vote is scheduled this week on language that would block funding to the World Health Organization (WHO). Congress urgently needs to hear from you to vote against the WHO. Why? Because in almost every measure of global health care, Ethiopia ranks near last. Yet Joe Biden is RACING to give Ethiopia's former disgraced health minister control over our U.S. health care. Over your health. This is not about health care ... this is about tyranny and control.
The head of the WHO is under a cloud of suspicion because of hundreds of accusations that he is guilty of crimes against humanity. And unless Congress steps in NOW, Joe Biden will sign away our sovereignty and our freedom. Biden will put a failed Third World health director in complete control of our American medical system. I’ll share below just how bad this is.
A vote on a bill to defund the WHO has been moved to this week. With the new U.S. House Speaker, my friend, Mike Johnson, we have an excellent opportunity to stop the Biden-WHO takeover. — Mat
Call Mike Johnson: (202) 225 2777 / (318) 840 0309 / (337) 423 4232
"The United States must defund the WHO and exit this organization"
The WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus should NOT be in a position of power over anyone.
Ethiopia's then-public health minister, Tedros, was forced to admit he publicly lied about his government’s role in killing more than 700 peaceful harvest festival attendees in 2016.
Tedros' party caused controversy when armed soldiers stormed the stage of an opposing tribe's harvest festival, firing tear gas and machine guns at festival goers. Then-Foreign Minister Tedros declared that there was "no shooting" and that his party's "police" were "unarmed," despite videos and pictures of the event that showed civilian bodies riddled with bullets.
This was only one of many acts of the party that Tedros oversaw, the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), a U.S. State Department-designated terror group.
Beginning in 1991, the TPLF ruled Ethiopia for the better part of three decades with a bloody and iron fist. But when the Ethiopian people found out the truth, they revolted shortly after the festival massacre, forcing Tedros and his cronies from power.
Now Biden is fighting to put this same person, Tedros, in power over the whole world and all of our resources. This is like turning over a herd of lambs to the wolves themselves!
As public health minister, Tedros claimed to have eradicated cholera from Ethiopia, a highly treatable bacterial infection of the intestines. However, it was later found that the disease had not been wiped out at all. In fact, cholera wreaked havoc on Ethiopia's population, killing thousands during outbreaks in 2006, 2008, and 2011, among others, all of which occurred during Tedros’ oversight.
Tedros had not eradicated cholera at all. Instead, he ordered Ethiopian health officials to LIE, renaming the disease by classifying cholera deaths simply as death from "watery diarrhea," even when tests proved that the "watery diarrhea" was caused by cholera.
Even today Ethiopia continues to be riddled with cholera, despite the fact the disease is easily treatable with simple rehydration and antibiotics.
The man with scant medical training, who lied about cholera, and lied about attempted genocide somehow managed to become the director-general of the United Nations' World Health Organization.
Some, including French diplomats involved in the process, claim Tedros' appointment to the WHO was a direct result of Bill Gates and his foundation lobbying on behalf of the Ethiopian tyrant. That allegation may have merit, considering the vast amounts of "investment" money Gates gave Tedros to implement Gates' health initiatives in Ethiopia.
But Tedros' compulsion for lies and disease cover-ups did not end when he left Africa for Geneva, Switzerland. As director-general of the WHO, Tedros regularly spread propaganda from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), including a 2020 social media post in which Tedros' WHO claimed that there was "no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of novel Coronavirus 19."
Just a few months later, millions worldwide would be dead, thanks to Tedros' lies and refusal to endorse effective treatments like ivermectin against COVID. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is a serial liar and a member of an internationally recognized terror organization.
If Joe Biden signs the WHO's upcoming Pandemic Treaty and revised International Health Regulations, the man whose lies killed thousands of Ethiopians and millions of people around the world will be fully in charge of AMERICA’s health system!
We must not allow WHO to control our health care decisions and everything else they have placed in this Pandemic Treaty. Tell members of Congress to do everything in their power to stop Joe Biden’s subversion of our sovereignty and block the "NEW WORLD ORDER"!
Ethiopia ranks near last in every measure of the World Health Organization's analysis of global health care systems. Of the 194 WHO member nations, Ethiopia ranks 180 in overall health system performance, according to the WHO data.
Other data from sources as disparate as Brittanica, UNICEF, and even the U.S. State Department and Central Intelligence Agency paint an even more vivid picture of severely flawed Ethiopian health care.
One in 20 children born in Ethiopia will not live past 5 years old — a number, according to Brittanica, which is nearly double the world average and more than eight times higher than the U.S. child mortality rate.
About 65% of Ethiopian girls are forced to undergo "Female Genital Mutilation" (FGM), a barbaric practice of partial or total removal of the female external genitalia with no anesthesia or topical anesthetic.
The average life expectancy of the average Ethiopian is under 65 years of age.
Leading causes of death among all ages are bronchitis and diarrhea, both of which are highly treatable in western countries.
Given these appalling statistics, few if any would want the Ethiopian health minister making our health care decisions. But Joe Biden is working to put the entirety of U.S. health care under Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Ethiopia's former health minister who is now the WHO director-general.
If we don't stop him, Biden will be successful. But we must stop this coup from happening to our medical field and our constitutional rights — all at the same time. Send your urgent faxes to Congress to oppose this WHO takeover.
Please also consider helping Liberty Counsel Action. Our staff has boots on the ground on Capitol Hill right now doing everything in our power to protect freedom and stop the WHO. Give today to have a hand in helping fight this tyranny. Even a small recurring monthly donation would help so much!
Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action