Please say a prayer and have a moment of silence for all those lost Americans and their families from the recent plane disasters.
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of Americans is almost complete.
My late friend, Charlotte Iserbyt, on her web site
has 2 quotes that I believe describe the demise of America until President Trump said, "MAGA".
" The argument that two parties should represent opposite ideas and policies one perhaps of the right and the other of the left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead the two parties should almost be identical so that the American people can throw the radicals out at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy ." Georgetown University Professor Carroll Quigley from his book, Tragedy and Hope 1966. Quigley was Bill Clinton's mentor. Clinton often quoted Quigley
"Gentleman comrades do not be concerned about all you hear about Glasnost and Perestroika and democracy in the coming years they are primarily for outward consumption. There will be no significant internal changes in the Soviet Union other than for cosmetic purposes. Our purpose is to disarm the Americans and let them fall asleep." Michael Gorbachev 1931 General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the last head of state of the USSR 1985 to 1991 in a speech to the Soviet Politburo, November, 1987.
Communism did not disappear when President Reagan demanded the Berlin wall come down. Communism just went underground. Communism has been brought to the surface by the Democrat Party.
Communists must erase history. Their first attack is the most vulnerable, the children. What better way than to use Common Core hidden in the Race to the Top grant. Common Core leaves children incapable of reading, writing and doing math.
Today 47% of Americans are functionally illiterate.
In order to erase American history, cursive writing has been eliminated. Now our historical documents and religious document can no longer be read. In addition, the individuality of signing your name is also gone. This way you are part of the herd. While not strictly "necessary" in today's digital world, cursive writing offers incredible benefits for cognitive development, fine motor skills, eye hand coordination, and the ability to read historical documents. Some states are even re-introducing mandatory cursive instruction in schools.
The DOED must be dissolved and the states must educate. In 2010, I worked hard with the legislators to keep cursive as part of our Florida curricula. Unfortunately teachers still don't teach these classes. Today the National Archives is seeking volunteers to transcribe our historical documents. Time to teach your children cursive.
President Trump has signed several Executive Orders addressing education including:
· Executive order to restrict education related to race, gender, politics
· Executive order on K-12 ‘indoctrination,’ school choice and campus protests
· Executive order Expanding Educational Freedom and Opportunity for Families
· Executive order to Promote ‘Patriotic Education’ in the Classroom
But oversight is up to us. If we do not go to school board meetings, county/city/state meetings who will watch the hen house? These communists will just rename the programs and bring them back.
President Trump is listening to us He is making executive orders we demanded but ... If we don't make sure these orders are followed locally, we will lose. In case you lose track, you can find them here:
The problem we have is that executive orders can be replace by other executive orders. We must DEMAND congress follow suit with actual bills. We must make sure our state does the same. We must not allow our state to waste our money suing because they don't like eliminating waste fraud and abuse. Tell these state legislators if they don't like the order, don't run for office. So far, Trump Executive Orders include: Closing the border, sending criminal aliens to Gitmo, releasing J6 political prisoners, denying Birthright citizenship, remain in Mexico, reinstating common sense Energy and environmental policies, pulling out of the WHO, Paris Climate Treaty, Eliminating DEI, ending transgender surgery for minors, Eliminating Federal jobs
Establishing DOGE. It is up to us to follow through.
Trump has hit the ground, running. He has not wasted time, and he’s barely been in office a week.
Florida Governor DeSantis is helping President Trump on the illegal alien immigration front.
The FL "TRUMP" Act (Tackling and Reforming Unlawful Migration Policy Act)
takes powers away from the Governor and gives them to the Agriculture Commissioner...........WHAT THE HECK IS THAT ABOUT????? The governor did a side by side comparison which Sally and I explain on the show. Here is the comparison:
The Tackling and Reforming Unlawful Migration Policy Act — the TRUMP Act — is a single bill The RINOs substituted much of what DeSantis wanted. DeSantis lamented that a lot of his wish list isn’t in the package. Therefore he will VETO the bill. DeSantis requested that Floridians contact their legislators and tell them NOT to vote to override his veto. I’m asking you here, are you going to live with this? DO IT NOW! Contact Florida GOP "Leadership", and give them an Earful:
The actions of the Florida congress underscore the lack of desire to follow any requests of constituents. Florida has over 1 million illegals costing taxpayers billions but the donors are happy. RINOS have no commitment to their constituents. Support Governor DeSantis, tell the RINOs NO.
Join the Florida Citizens Alliance Help save America mentor a child.
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Guest: Sally Baptist.