Globalists call the US Constitution a living breathing document subject to constant
change. They prefer their UN Declaration of Human Rights. The US Constitution guarantees our Rights granted by G-d. The UN Declaration of Human Rights claims the Government and UN grants your rights. Remember Whatever man grants, man can take away. The Con-Con is their CON.
Then they got patriots to sign way their liberty for security. so they will have neither liberty or security. - Patriot Act.
Then they got Congress to sell out the American citizens without due process in the name of fighting terror while refusing to name the real terrorists - Eliminating the 5th and 6th Amendments in the NDAA's
Then they turned the children on their parents - RTTT national data base for children to report on their parents. Common Core dumbs the kids down, Porn and drugs in schools, not teaching reading writing or math makes them slaves. LGBTQ mutilation without parental consent.
Then they came for the Judeao-Christians by demanding they participate in killing their unborn - Obamacare, Baby Killing Abortion, Vaccine that sterilize.
Now they are coming after MAGA - Americans who want America First, America to be Great Again. Americans alerting the public of the UN take over of the sovereignty of America, loss of American freedom and liberty and elimination of private property. MAGA is now a domestic terrorist group. J6 lies allowed for torture of J6 political prisoners.
UN Agenda 21 is the plan Globalists use to claim the environment is at risk and humans are the cause. In reality they want to control all human activity. One goal of UN Agenda 21 is to depopulate the planet by claiming there are too many humans. and not enough food. To prove their point the are trying to stop farming and ranching by claiming they hurt the planet. Once in place, there will not be enough food to feed the humans.
Globalists use phony science models generated by computer to convince man that CO2 necessary for life is a danger to the environment. By not teaching science in school the dumb populace will agree. Designed food shortages which will kill people. Food used for fuel instead of consumption will kill people. Mission accomplished.
Globalists claim that misinformation - not knowing a facts is false but reporting on that face and dis-information - knowing a fact is false and reporting on it anyhow are the greatest threat to the world. Of course that means they will have to censor anyone who disagrees with their lies. Censorship comes before a dictatorship/authoritarian which comes before totalitarianism/slavery/Sustainability or total control
Globalists want your land for the good of the collective a lie. They want the land for themsekves. Land creates wealth and the populace can't have wealth. They use unproven, overly expensive central planning never presented with financial information) for sustainable developments. You will live in a box and everything they decide you might want will be within a 15 minute walk. Constant monitoring and surveillance will insure you obey. In reality sustainable developments are designed to redistribute your wealth control you and steal your private property through rezoning schemes and conservation easements.
Globalists believe in GAIA, "mother earth is god" and they have waged war against all religious groups. They must substitute a moral people with immorality. They must make people slaves to their immorality because once addicted people will be easier to control.
Globalists are determined to remove all mention of GOD from every place possible because God must be replaced by your allegiance to the STATE and the UN. They fail to realize that God and morality are part of the soul of America and can not be removed by eliminating mere words. Or are they correct?
Globalists are the minority but since they have stolen our wealth and we gave them the power, they feel they can determine our destiny, our future. They lie, cheat and steal but slowly the world is waking up and more and more populists are getting elected. Globalists are determined to transform America into a communist police state. Communist China is their model.
Globalists are Republicans or Democrats so vet your candidates carefully. Ask them what things cost, what is a MAGA? What type of government do we have. What is mis information? Disinformation? Ask them to define the words they use. What is a fascist/ Sovereignty, Nullification Oversight is our job and we have not been doing it for a long time.
MAGA is now described as the enemy, the domestic terrorists, the deplorable describes
as the enemy, will you be silenced by fear? Will you realize that the only way they have power is if we give it to them. We are many, they are few.. If you are silent you allow them to control you.
To set the record straight:
MAGA Americans believe in the truth. We want to end political correctness, follow the original US Constitution, and our G-d given unalienable Rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness (private property-intellectual or land).
MAGA Americans believe that the enemies of America are those who state publicly, "We will kill all of the Christians, Jews and Americans."
MAGA Americans believe in American sovereignty and oppose any group or organization trying to replace America with some world dominance scheme like WHO, CBDC, through lies and deception using environmental issues promoted by UN Agenda 21.
MAGA Americans support Texas’ right to protect or border.
MAGA Americans believe Not to Speak, is to Speak, Not to Act is to Act. MAGA/Americans believe in America first and will no longer be divided.
Join us on the radio and learn solutions. Always remember: Then they came for the Americans and there was no one left to help. UNITED WE STAND!!!
Guest: Karen Bracken, the founder of TN Against Common Core, TN Citizens for State Sovereignty and have worked nationally to educate and stop UN Agenda 21.
Guest: Cindy Lucas. The Martin 9/12 TeaParty Committee
Website:, (561) 301-1601
Guest: Rep Berny Jacques, FL District 59. Help get HR359 Passed, HB 359 - Voting Systems
Show Link
Show: Sat and Sun 7AM ET and 9PM ET on
Podcasts and Articles:
My latest articles:
Action Items or the Week
Federal Issues: Contact your Federal legislators. Separate the issues and call for each.
The W.H.O. the Globalist UN World Health Organization decided they should control world health under any emergency they declare like climate change. I do not want our legislators to give away our national sovereignty to a group of power hungry control freaks in the UN. Tell your legislators.
Communicate with congress, join
Call Speaker Johnson. Tell him NO to his budget deal. Shut the border or shut the government. No Budget deal. CALL TODAY -202-225-2777 or 318-951-4316 Johnson will continue to CR us into more debt if we don't stop him.
Call your legislator Send them an email, tweet, phone call.
Close the Border or Close the government
NO CR (Continuing Resolution)
No Welfare for Illegals
Free J6 prisoners
State Issues: Florida: Review these bills and Contact your FL State Legislators
FL House :
, FL Senate:
Education Bills
Florida Citizens Alliance is requesting you call your legislator for support on these bills"
HB 1403 which we are trying to get an amendment to protect the Hope Scholarship.
HB 1 and SB 1788 Age verification for social media.
HB 3 and SB 1792 Age verification for materials harmful to minors.
HB 901 and 1120 Display of Flags by Governmental Entities.
HB 931 and SB 1044 School Chaplain.
Election Bills recommended from Defend Florida,
These Election Integrity Bills below need sponsors HB135 - Voter Registration Applications
Join us for a Night of Inspiration at the Florida Citizens Alliance Annual Gala!
America First P.A.C.T. is having a conference in Bradenton FL Join Us.
Join the Caravan
Re:Legislators and Judges for the USA:-We do NOT want "Left or Right". We do NOT want "Liberal or Conservative". We do NOT want "Progressive or Reactionary". We do NOT want 'Democrat or Republican". What we DO want is - CONSTITUTIONAL ! We want CONSTITUTIONAL legislators ! And,we want CONSTITUTIONAL judges ! [ a very good piece of electoral sloganeering ].